译文 :
在冰岛有一座监狱,这允许它的囚犯出去每天工作。 他们在白天在监狱附近在农场工作,并且回来必须许诺晚上回来。 如果他们不许诺这,他们没被泄露。 一个晚上, 一的那些囚犯邀请有他是工作的的有那些家庭的晚餐适合,因此他非常晚回答那些监狱。 在警卫来让他进来之前,他必须敲门几次。 警卫不喜欢在这个时期作为麻烦, 因此他愤怒地对囚犯说,"如果你再次这样晚回来,我将不让你走"。
一个人去一家餐厅并且坐在桌子旁边。 一名服务员过来并且给他菜单。 那个人仔细读它, 然后他预订全部最昂贵的盘子。 然后一个小男孩进入餐厅并且坐在那个人的桌子旁边。 服务员说,"先生,你的小男孩将喜欢什么"吗? "噢,只不过一筒冰淇淋",那个人说。 在他吃完饭之后,那个人对服务员说,"我'米刚刚出去买一份报纸"。 他离开餐厅。 服务员给男孩一盒冰淇淋。 男孩吃它, 然后站起来并且走向门。 服务员跑向他。 "对不起",他说,"但是你的父亲没回来,他没为他的饭或者你的冰淇淋支付。 你最好呆在这里,直到你的父亲回来 并且付账"。 "他不是我的父亲",男孩说。 "那个人在街上走近我并且问我是否我喜欢冰淇淋。 我告诉他我做。 然后他告诉我2点进入餐厅并且坐在他的桌子旁边。 他说他将给我一个"。
What we learned:
After watching Obama's opening speech, I feel that he is a good president. He was concerned about the students' learning situation and speak a lot of principles. He gave several exmples and ecouraged American students to study hard. He said: " Your future does not depend on how good or how bad your curent life is. No one will
arrange your destiny. In the United States, you are writing your own fate and
you are the master of your own future." There were many similar words. In sum, during Obama's 17mins speech, I learned a lot.
For example, we have to study hard. We cannot get a good job if we do not study hard. Every successful people had failed at least once. Thus, failure is not fearful. Even if we have the most dedicated teachers, the best parents and best schools, we will be nothing if we don't study hard. Also, we must face and solve every obstacle to study we have. There's no excuse.
The above is my harvest. President Obama's speech is really a lifetime benefit for me.
Up in the morning, she found the house a power outage. So no way to use hot water to wash, with a hair dryer blowing hair, you can not hot milk, toast, had to hastily sprucing up and went out.
Just walked into the elevator, the neighbor dog suddenly rushed to raise Puzhu, suddenly appeared two black paw prints on children last week bought off-white dress.
Police car was stopped, come to think of the limit line today fined 100.
To the company, just a minute later, and fined fifty.
Burst into the conference room regular meetings, the boss is announce the list of work adjustment. Her business is even reason to pause, her position were an ignorant, you know the opening day of luxury cars, the bulbs replaced by Bo Rae Stallone guy soft mode.
Lunch time, everyone clamor for new head dinner, rushing out the door with laughter, no one called her.
She went to the restaurant a man, just had a meal into his mouth, an important customer calls.
The other party canceled the largest amount of orders at the end of the bonus wasted.
She looked at before lunch, no half points appetite.
Just back to the company, the phone rang, my mother choked end of the line, said the grandmother's illness and heavy, and may not survive the month.
She comforted her mother, did not dare to mention their job change, only saying that we go back to see grandma as soon as possible.
Put down the phone, SMS rang.
Actually crush a decade objects message sent: HI, I'm getting married.
Dusk, she stood by the roadside waiting for a taxi home, you can hear every driver are refusing to go to the location. Helpless, her high heels, carrying a heavy computer bag, walked to the direction of home.
Feet quickly grind Xuepao, really walk, too much pain, she knelt down slowly rubbing his wound.
Darkness shrouded moon overhead overlooking her coldly, as if a silent reminder, home or darkness.
Her tears welling at the moment.
It seems that our life is full of sorrow.
Doing all they will nosedive, unforgettable ending to an abrupt, moths would be wiped out.
So we are disappointed, frustrated, confused, struggling, even despair, all this generated a deep sense of mistrust and resistance. Finally feel exhausted, nowhere to go. Go elsewhere, but really it?
She stood up, wiped away tears, shaking continue to move forward.
Until the next intersection, a car finally stopped. Reported the address, the driver kindly say a coincidence that we live in the same cell, you go hard to see the little girl, just call it a day, free to send you home.
She repeatedly said Xie got the phone rings. Client on the other end said, although the order is canceled, but her professional attitude make him feel moved. I do not know whether she was interested in a new job? If you are willing to jump to his own company, salary doubled up, but also enhance job. He said, in fact, I wait for you to resign have been waiting a long time.
She was pleasantly surprised to saying thank you, the mood suddenly up.
Then he pulled back to crush a text message, saying I wish you happiness.
Phone screen shiny, he sent a reply: Today I had a telephone conversation with the aunt, we go home this weekend to see grandma now.
She was surprised to return: Why do you want to accompany me home to see grandma?
He sent a smiley face: If not want grandma happy, I will not marry him for so long in advance.
She looked disbelief that jargon, mouth fell open, helpless.
He knew her mind like, and hair: I know, I love you.
Her eyes were red all of a sudden, my mind was roaring fireworks exploded several flower.
Ineffectively laugh all the way. Home, took out the key, the neighbor's door was first opened.
Neighbor smiled and said: Today I walk the dog came back to find your home broken gates, called my husband to help you repaired.
Behind her, he stuck his head out the puppy, bark or two, happily wagging his tail.
She opened the door a room cozy, warm eyes.
All the stories will have an answer. They may not have all the answers as originally wished.
Importantly, before the arrival of the final answer, whether you endure patiently, keep firm in the beginning of the heart, and so on to get a bright corner.
At any time, with the nature, revel. Rejoice, go with the flow.